Seafood Spotlight - Canadian Striped Bass

Canadian Striped Bass
John Nagle Co. Exclusive

Wild Caught in the Miramichi River in northeastern New Brunswick

19 - 25 inch fish
Available starting Nov. 5th and will last four-five weeks, or until solid ice cover

Talk to your JNC sales rep for today’s catch or to place a pre-order

John Nagle Co. is proud to offer the first commercially available Canadian Striped Bass in over 20 years. Eel Ground First Nation has been granted the limited commercial quota to harvest striped bass from the majestic Miramichi River in New Brunswick, Canada.

Eel Ground fishermen have deployed two traditional weir nets along the banks of the Miramichi River. By utilizing this age-old fishing technique, fishermen are able to grade and hand select their catch twice a day to ensure product quality and consistency.

Eel Ground First Nation is a Mi’kmaq First Nation Band located along the Miramichi River in northeastern New Brunswick.